

A multidisciplinary powerful and versatile toolbox to handle 1D well data

EasyTrace 2024.1 has been released!

The latest version of EasyTrace has been released and is available for download by all registered users.

EasyTrace, the well data analysis toolbox

EasyTrace™ is an advanced multi-disciplinary 1D data processing and editing tool, featuring a wide range of functionalities under a very productive package for geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers.


EasyTrace™ can be used in diverse workflows, such as, well log interpretation, seismic reservoir characterization, electrofacies & rock-typing, gross environmental deposition, source rock evaluation.


Easytrace™ is also plugged on the OpenFlow® platform and shares all its powerful capabilities with all the other OpenFlow Suite™ applications.

EasyTrace Presentation


years of innovation







A  handy software used daily by specialists in multidisciplinary projects

Data conditioning

EasyTrace™ allows the manipulation and analysis of any kind of data: continuous and discrete logs, core data (CCAL & SCAL), fracture data, markers, in time and depth domains. Its high number of functionalities and high level of interactivity between graphs, histograms or cross-plots.

Electrofacies and Rock-typing

A fast and efficient way to classify log signature with sedimentology and reservoir characteristics.

Rock-typing from classification of capillary pressure curves, pore throat size distribution, based on curve shape pattern recognition algorithm

Machine learning with Python

Benefit from available numerous open-source libraries dedicated to Machine Learning and data visualization in Python languages.  Python and EasyTrace link has been developed.

Data in EasyTrace can be used for different advanced analysis in Python and can be saved back to well database

Rock Physics, 1D geomechanics

Advanced methodology for rock physics analysis with integrated mineral and fluid database.

  • Hashin-Shtrickman bound for petro-elastic parameters
  • S velocity estimation by Greenberg-Castagna method
  • Biot-Gassmann Fluid Substitution

Seismic characterization

Various application for Seismic reservoir characterization:

  • Sonic log calibration for time-to-depth law conversion
  • AVO / AVA analysis and Modeling
  • Fracture AVAZ modeling
  • Vertical seismic profile inversion

Well log and geological interpretation

Petrophysical interpretation along with geological maps.

Source Rock Evaluation

Total Organic Content module is avalaible using Carbolog methodology

A strong impact on all your studies

Well log interpretation

Electrofacies classification and Rock-typing

Source Rock evaluation

Pore pressure prediction and Rock Physics parameters

Estimate the pore pressure prediction

Seismic reservoir characterization

Machine learning

The value behind your data – numerous success stories

Environmental deposits and geographical variability of facies

Use of Electrofacies to map their geographical variability and assess gross environmental deposits

Automatic data QC and cleaning

Machine learning techniques available in EasyTrace allows for a fast and accurate identification of abnormal responses in data

Synthetic log data reconstruction

Synthetic log reconstruction is largely used in seismic applications.  Advanced techniques are used for log reconstruction, accurate and reliable, deployable over many wells

Empower your data with EasyTrace

Advanced capabilities used on over 600 projects in over 80 countries

Import and organize project data

EasyTrace handle any kind of 1D data and allows  for various displays and analysis (log, statistical, numerical displays) with great interactivity for fast data analysis

Machine Learning Algorithm

EasyTrace supports effective supervised and unsupervised algorithms, applicable on different data.

Available from any Python interface

Accessibility to EasyTrace database from any Python interface. Benefits from all open-sources python library and AI/ML applications



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